Saturday, November 30, 2019
Parables about the Kingdom of God Essay Example
Parables about the Kingdom of God Essay The Kingdom of God is like a light bulb in the room. The light is in the darkness. Even though you dont see it when it is switched off doesnt mean it is not there. It only takes one man to switch it on, but it brings light to the whole room and those in it.The Kingdom of God is like when you are taking a bus to Brighton. It doesnt matter from when or where you take it, or which seat you sit on. What matters is that it arrives at the right destination. It is the destination that counts.If Jesus were alive today he would tell a story like the ones above because a parable is a simple story about everyday life with a religious meaning.But why did Jesus use parables?Jesus was living 2000 years ago in Palestine. Jerusalem itself was only a small town. At that time the people were mostly farmers and fishermen. Simple people relied on these two professions to support their families; this for them was everyday life so they knew everything about fishing and farming. Jesus taught parables about everyday life so people to understand them. Jesus parables were simple stories easy to remember. Most people could not remember long stories in the bible or the Ten Commandments. Being about everyday life it was easy for people to relate to them. Jesus parables had a religious meaning about God and Gods Kingdom. Jesus never really told people the exact things that would happen with the coming of Gods Kingdom but used parables to teach and communicate to them. In Marks Gospel it is said that Jesus had an extraordinary personality and used miracles to grab peoples attention. Then he would tell them parables that would seem very simple and meaningless stories but in fact they had a hidden religious meaning about the Kingdom of God.Jesus used parables to get the message across to people and his disciples. Referring to Marks Gospel Jesus did not tell his disciples he was the Messiah. Neither did he tell them what the exact things about the Kingdom of God. For this he gave them clues and used parables. Sometimes the disciples would not understand the parables and Jesus would only explain it to them when they were alone. Jesus acknowledged he was the Messiah only after Peters Declaration. It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out. He needed to keep the Messianic Secret from Jews, their leaders and the Romans.If he taught too publicly, he would have been arrested and killed. Jesus was arrested only four days after the Messianic Secret got out. It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out. He needed to keep the Messianic Secret from Jews, their leaders and the Romans/Gentiles.If Jesus taught too publicly he would have been arrested and killed. The first time Jesus publicly accepted being the Messiah was the Entry in Jerusalem. Jesus was arrested just four days after the Entry in Jerusalem (the Messianic Secret was out). If he had said that he was the Messiah when he was baptised, the Jews w ould have arrested Jesus for Blasphemy; the Romans would have been displeased about it because they thought he was trying to form a Jewish Kingdom and drive them out. By teaching in parables Jesus was able to keep the Messianic Secret. He did three years of secret teaching before his death.The parables message was also simple and short. For example the Kingdom of God is open to children is the message of the parable Jesus blesses the children.What could it feel like to belong to the Kingdom of God?To belong to the Kingdom of God means being part of something holy and important. It is like living in one country but being from another. In this case its living in Earth but feeling that your heart and soul belong in Gods Kingdom. To belong to the Kingdom of God is being part of something special and being proud of it. It means to have a relationship with God, accepting God and obeying his rules.Marks Gospel is persuasive writing aimed to convince people that Jesus is Son of God. There a re 7 parables in Marks Gospel. In each one of them there is a message about the Kingdom of God.One parable is the parable of the Mustard Seed. In this parable the Mustard Seed represents the Kingdom of God. The Mustard seed grows into the biggest plant while the Kingdom of God into the biggest Kingdom of all. In this parable Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God will start small and its hard to see at present but it will come and surely grow. Jesus also tells us that the coming of the Kingdom of God happens gradually, not overnight.Jesus also says that birds come and make their nests in the trees shade. This means that Gentiles will be included in the Kingdom of God. Another reference to this argument is given when Jesus goes to the temple, drives out all those who are buying and selling, and says: God said his temple will be the house of prayer for people of all nations. He includes people of all nations, not only Jews.Another parable is the parable of A Lamp under a Bowl. Here Je sus teaches that whatever is hidden will be brought out in the open. He says that you should not be ashamed of being in the Kingdom of God or to do what God wants you to.In Jesus blesses the children, we are informed that the Kingdom of God is open to children. Children are innocent, sincere and honest. They dont lie; solely express what they feel. That is why Jesus says that unless you receive the Kingdom of God like a child you will not enter it. You have to love God with truthfulness just like a child loves his parents. You should want the Kingdom of God sincerely, with all your heart and soul to enter it. Thats why Jesus explains this parable.No-one pours new wine into used wineskins, because the wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the skins will be ruined. Instead, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins.- says Jesus in the parable of the Wineskins.The wineskins represent the laws of Judaism. The fact that Jesus said new wine must be put into fresh wineskins me ans that the Kingdom of God cannot be contained within the old laws of the Judaism. New laws must be made and a better religion formed. This is Christianity.In the parable of the Growing Seed just like its up to the farmer to scatter the seeds it is up to God to bring about the Kingdom of God. God allows the world to run on then brings about his Kingdom. Like the plant that starts life as a seed the Kingdom of God will start small but will surely grow. Like the growing of the seed the coming of the Kingdom of God happens gradually, and when the time comes we will all be judged by God.Another parable is the parable of the Sower. Like in other parables Jesus speaks here in metaphors. The sower sows Gods message. The sprouting of seeds represents the spreading of Gods Message. The seed are sprouted and sown everywhere so the Good News about the Kingdom of m God should be spread everywhere. Some will not listen, some will listen and forget it while some will give it up, but others will listen to the message and follow God. Despite seeds falling on paths and being eaten by birds, falling on rocky grounds and drying out, falling among thorn bushes and not producing any fruit there will be seeds that fall on good soil and produce fruit. Despite people giving up there will be those who will believe and the Kingdom of God will grow.MetaphorRepresentsCorn that fell on the path and is eaten by birds.People ruled by Satan that takes Gods Message away from them.Corn that fell on rocky grounds and dried out.People that give up Gods Message as soon as persecution and difficulties appear because of it.Corn that falls among bushes that was choked by thorn bushes and didnt produce fruit.People who hear Gods Message but worry, love and desires for this life makes them forget it.Corn that fell on good soil and produced fruit.People who hear the message, accept it and follow God.There were two roads to the fishing lake. One looked muddy and dangerous while the other looked in very good condition. Many passers took the first one while a few took the bad one. What the travellers did not know was that the good road took you got worse as you go and took you somewhere where there werent any fish. The good one got better and took you somewhere where there were plenty of fish to catch.The parable of the Tenants in the vineyard like the one above is allegory. An allegory is a special kind of parable. An allegory is like a code. To understand the allegory one must decipher the code. In this parable an owner lets out his vineyard to tenants. He sends slaves to collect his share when the time comes but the tenants beat some and kill others. At the end he sends his own son but the tenants kill him too. Then the owner returned, killed those tenants and let the vineyard to others.ComponentMeaningOwnerGodVineyardKingdom of GodFence/TowerStrict boundariesHarvestObedience to GodTenantsJews, especially Jew leadersSlavesProphetsSon of OwnerJesus Christ-MessiahDeath of SonCruci fixion of JesusOwner returns and ejects tenants.Jews expelled from the Kingdom of God.Owner gets new tenants.Kingdom of God handed over to Gentiles.God built the Kingdom of God for Jews. But to be included for in his Kingdom, Jews had to obey God. They didnt. God sent many prophets to get Jews to obey him but they wouldnt listen to them. Jews and their leaders showed disrespect, beat prophets, treated them shamefully and killed some of them. But even so, God didnt give up on Jews, and even when there was nobody else to send, God sent his own dear son Jesus, thinking and hoping that they would listen to him. Instead Jews crucified Jesus for telling the truth and spreading Gods message. Because of this God expelled Jews from his Kingdom and handed it over to Gentiles.The stone the builders rejected as worthless, turned out to be the most important one of all. Noone expected that a son born to a simple couple from Nazareth who later grew up to become a carpenter was the Son of God, the Messiah. The Jews were expecting the wrong kind of Messiah (a big powerful leader who would kick the Romans out and create a Jewish Kingdom). They were so blinded by this vision that they didnt recognise the real Messi8ah when he finally came, and crucified him.The new tenants represent the Gentile so when the vineyard is handed over to Gentiles means that the Kingdom of God is open to non-Jews.In this parable Jesus did two things:1) Informed us that the Kingdom of God is open to non-Jews.2) Predicted that the Messiah would be crucified.This Earth will never be Gods Kingdom.Yes, I agree with the statement that this Eart6h will never be Gods Kingdom. If Gods Kingdom is a place where people of all nations would live together in happiness then it will not be realised in Earth. There is far too much suffering in Earth to become a happy place.Everyday more teenagers turn to drugs and crime. Their family lives are broken. Many of them die, their parents feel they failed in educating and raising them, and have to bear the suffering of burying them.We have seen many deaths of innocent children in the last few years. The killers are getting younger. One example is the murder of Damilola Taylor. All who knew him say he was a gentle, friendly and loving boy. Yet muggers who had tried to take his money of him killed him on the way home. It is worse the fact that the muggers are all under 16. Police charged four boys under 16 with murder.People have been beaten by muggers trying to steal things as worthless as a mobile phone and have been killed by car thieves. A father of two was killed while trying to stop thieves stealing a relatives car, and a girl was shot by someone trying to mug her mobile phone. If she hadnt ducked she also would have been killed. Brixtons residents are afraid to go out at night. They fear of being attacked by drug users in the area. It is not safe for women to go out at night, as there is a possibility of them getting raped. There have been rape cases in England and throughout the world in which women have been left traumatised.The world is unbalanced. There are billionaires and people that live in simple shelters or in the streets who dont always get to eat. Hundreds of people die everyday in the streets of Britain and all other countries around the world. In third world countries men work for a small amount of money, just enough to supply their families basic needs. Countries fight each other when they know theres nothing to gain from it but suffering and death. Nuclear tensions have been rising. Recently there were the attacks to the World Trade Centre in New York by Muslim fundamentalists where around 3000 people lost their lives.If Earth is to become Gods Kingdom then why is it such a ruthless, unequal and dangerous place?Jesus teaches his disciples and us in Marks Gospel that if one of you wants to be great he must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first he must be the slave of all. This tells us to love and respect each other. If people followed Jesus teaching to love, help and respect each individual there would not be killings, thefts, poverty or rapes. We would all live in happiness as humans.The Kingdom of God is proleptic. Proleptic means leap forward. The Kingdom of God has begun and it isnt yet fully realised. We are now living in the overlap period. We are living in this world but truly our hearts belong in another. This world was not designed perfectly. It is like a test to prepare us for the next one.Other people would disagree with me. They would point at all the good things happening in this world. They would indicate at the life cycle and how beautiful it is. They would denote at how flowers bloom in the Spring, how fruits are made in Autumn. The hot Summer that makes us head to the beaches, and the cold of Winter that keeps us in our homes. Theyd tell that nature and how life is adapted to the environment is beautiful. Theyd say that each season has its own beauty.But Nature itself can be cruel. We have seen cases of flooding where people have lost their houses, and sadly some even their lives.Some people would point at how people have helped others. Theyd point at those who have devoted their lives to the charities and how theses charities are supported by ordinary people. They point out at how people help each other in need and the money donations to help people in poor countries. Theyd say the Sun, the wind, the rain and the sea are all beautiful things but have become so ordinary that we dont notice them any more.These people would say that miracles happen. Theyd indicate at how cures have been found for deadly diseases. For example much smaller percentage of women die of breast cancer. They indicate how babies born prematurely have survived. Some months ago we had the case of the two girl twins that we joined together and were sharing the same organs. Doctors separated them, one died but the other survived. By pointing to the goo d things they would say that the earth could besome Gods Kingdom.I agree with them. The world is beautiful and it is wonderful to live in. But I feel that there is just too much suffering in this world. From my point of wiew God would make a fresh start with the human race, in a world where there would only be goodness and joy, not suffering or tears. Therefore my conclusion is that I must agree that this Earth will never be Gods Kingdom. Parables about the Kingdom of God Essay Example Parables about the Kingdom of God Essay The Kingdom of God is like a light bulb in the room. The light is in the darkness. Even though you dont see it when it is switched off doesnt mean it is not there. It only takes one man to switch it on, but it brings light to the whole room and those in it.The Kingdom of God is like when you are taking a bus to Brighton. It doesnt matter from when or where you take it, or which seat you sit on. What matters is that it arrives at the right destination. It is the destination that counts.If Jesus were alive today he would tell a story like the ones above because a parable is a simple story about everyday life with a religious meaning.But why did Jesus use parables?Jesus was living 2000 years ago in Palestine. Jerusalem itself was only a small town. At that time the people were mostly farmers and fishermen. Simple people relied on these two professions to support their families; this for them was everyday life so they knew everything about fishing and farming. Jesus taught parables about everyday life so people to understand them. Jesus parables were simple stories easy to remember. Most people could not remember long stories in the bible or the Ten Commandments. Being about everyday life it was easy for people to relate to them. Jesus parables had a religious meaning about God and Gods Kingdom. Jesus never really told people the exact things that would happen with the coming of Gods Kingdom but used parables to teach and communicate to them. In Marks Gospel it is said that Jesus had an extraordinary personality and used miracles to grab peoples attention. Then he would tell them parables that would seem very simple and meaningless stories but in fact they had a hidden religious meaning about the Kingdom of God.Jesus used parables to get the message across to people and his disciples. Referring to Marks Gospel Jesus did not tell his disciples he was the Messiah. Neither did he tell them what the exact things about the Kingdom of God. For this he gave them clues and used parables. Sometimes the disciples would not understand the parables and Jesus would only explain it to them when they were alone. Jesus acknowledged he was the Messiah only after Peters Declaration. It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out. He needed to keep the Messianic Secret from Jews, their leaders and the Romans.If he taught too publicly, he would have been arrested and killed. Jesus was arrested only four days after the Messianic Secret got out. It was important that Jesus taught the 12 disciples who he was before word got out. He needed to keep the Messianic Secret from Jews, their leaders and the Romans/Gentiles.If Jesus taught too publicly he would have been arrested and killed. The first time Jesus publicly accepted being the Messiah was the Entry in Jerusalem. Jesus was arrested just four days after the Entry in Jerusalem (the Messianic Secret was out). If he had said that he was the Messiah when he was baptised, the Jews w ould have arrested Jesus for Blasphemy; the Romans would have been displeased about it because they thought he was trying to form a Jewish Kingdom and drive them out. By teaching in parables Jesus was able to keep the Messianic Secret. He did three years of secret teaching before his death.The parables message was also simple and short. For example the Kingdom of God is open to children is the message of the parable Jesus blesses the children.What could it feel like to belong to the Kingdom of God?To belong to the Kingdom of God means being part of something holy and important. It is like living in one country but being from another. In this case its living in Earth but feeling that your heart and soul belong in Gods Kingdom. To belong to the Kingdom of God is being part of something special and being proud of it. It means to have a relationship with God, accepting God and obeying his rules.Marks Gospel is persuasive writing aimed to convince people that Jesus is Son of God. There a re 7 parables in Marks Gospel. In each one of them there is a message about the Kingdom of God.One parable is the parable of the Mustard Seed. In this parable the Mustard Seed represents the Kingdom of God. The Mustard seed grows into the biggest plant while the Kingdom of God into the biggest Kingdom of all. In this parable Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God will start small and its hard to see at present but it will come and surely grow. Jesus also tells us that the coming of the Kingdom of God happens gradually, not overnight.Jesus also says that birds come and make their nests in the trees shade. This means that Gentiles will be included in the Kingdom of God. Another reference to this argument is given when Jesus goes to the temple, drives out all those who are buying and selling, and says: God said his temple will be the house of prayer for people of all nations. He includes people of all nations, not only Jews.Another parable is the parable of A Lamp under a Bowl. Here Je sus teaches that whatever is hidden will be brought out in the open. He says that you should not be ashamed of being in the Kingdom of God or to do what God wants you to.In Jesus blesses the children, we are informed that the Kingdom of God is open to children. Children are innocent, sincere and honest. They dont lie; solely express what they feel. That is why Jesus says that unless you receive the Kingdom of God like a child you will not enter it. You have to love God with truthfulness just like a child loves his parents. You should want the Kingdom of God sincerely, with all your heart and soul to enter it. Thats why Jesus explains this parable.No-one pours new wine into used wineskins, because the wine will burst the skins and both the wine and the skins will be ruined. Instead, new wine must be poured into fresh wineskins.- says Jesus in the parable of the Wineskins.The wineskins represent the laws of Judaism. The fact that Jesus said new wine must be put into fresh wineskins me ans that the Kingdom of God cannot be contained within the old laws of the Judaism. New laws must be made and a better religion formed. This is Christianity.In the parable of the Growing Seed just like its up to the farmer to scatter the seeds it is up to God to bring about the Kingdom of God. God allows the world to run on then brings about his Kingdom. Like the plant that starts life as a seed the Kingdom of God will start small but will surely grow. Like the growing of the seed the coming of the Kingdom of God happens gradually, and when the time comes we will all be judged by God.Another parable is the parable of the Sower. Like in other parables Jesus speaks here in metaphors. The sower sows Gods message. The sprouting of seeds represents the spreading of Gods Message. The seed are sprouted and sown everywhere so the Good News about the Kingdom of m God should be spread everywhere. Some will not listen, some will listen and forget it while some will give it up, but others will listen to the message and follow God. Despite seeds falling on paths and being eaten by birds, falling on rocky grounds and drying out, falling among thorn bushes and not producing any fruit there will be seeds that fall on good soil and produce fruit. Despite people giving up there will be those who will believe and the Kingdom of God will grow.MetaphorRepresentsCorn that fell on the path and is eaten by birds.People ruled by Satan that takes Gods Message away from them.Corn that fell on rocky grounds and dried out.People that give up Gods Message as soon as persecution and difficulties appear because of it.Corn that falls among bushes that was choked by thorn bushes and didnt produce fruit.People who hear Gods Message but worry, love and desires for this life makes them forget it.Corn that fell on good soil and produced fruit.People who hear the message, accept it and follow God.There were two roads to the fishing lake. One looked muddy and dangerous while the other looked in very good condition. Many passers took the first one while a few took the bad one. What the travellers did not know was that the good road took you got worse as you go and took you somewhere where there werent any fish. The good one got better and took you somewhere where there were plenty of fish to catch.The parable of the Tenants in the vineyard like the one above is allegory. An allegory is a special kind of parable. An allegory is like a code. To understand the allegory one must decipher the code. In this parable an owner lets out his vineyard to tenants. He sends slaves to collect his share when the time comes but the tenants beat some and kill others. At the end he sends his own son but the tenants kill him too. Then the owner returned, killed those tenants and let the vineyard to others.ComponentMeaningOwnerGodVineyardKingdom of GodFence/TowerStrict boundariesHarvestObedience to GodTenantsJews, especially Jew leadersSlavesProphetsSon of OwnerJesus Christ-MessiahDeath of SonCruci fixion of JesusOwner returns and ejects tenants.Jews expelled from the Kingdom of God.Owner gets new tenants.Kingdom of God handed over to Gentiles.God built the Kingdom of God for Jews. But to be included for in his Kingdom, Jews had to obey God. They didnt. God sent many prophets to get Jews to obey him but they wouldnt listen to them. Jews and their leaders showed disrespect, beat prophets, treated them shamefully and killed some of them. But even so, God didnt give up on Jews, and even when there was nobody else to send, God sent his own dear son Jesus, thinking and hoping that they would listen to him. Instead Jews crucified Jesus for telling the truth and spreading Gods message. Because of this God expelled Jews from his Kingdom and handed it over to Gentiles.The stone the builders rejected as worthless, turned out to be the most important one of all. Noone expected that a son born to a simple couple from Nazareth who later grew up to become a carpenter was the Son of God, the Messiah. The Jews were expecting the wrong kind of Messiah (a big powerful leader who would kick the Romans out and create a Jewish Kingdom). They were so blinded by this vision that they didnt recognise the real Messi8ah when he finally came, and crucified him.The new tenants represent the Gentile so when the vineyard is handed over to Gentiles means that the Kingdom of God is open to non-Jews.In this parable Jesus did two things:1) Informed us that the Kingdom of God is open to non-Jews.2) Predicted that the Messiah would be crucified.This Earth will never be Gods Kingdom.Yes, I agree with the statement that this Eart6h will never be Gods Kingdom. If Gods Kingdom is a place where people of all nations would live together in happiness then it will not be realised in Earth. There is far too much suffering in Earth to become a happy place.Everyday more teenagers turn to drugs and crime. Their family lives are broken. Many of them die, their parents feel they failed in educating and raising them, and have to bear the suffering of burying them.We have seen many deaths of innocent children in the last few years. The killers are getting younger. One example is the murder of Damilola Taylor. All who knew him say he was a gentle, friendly and loving boy. Yet muggers who had tried to take his money of him killed him on the way home. It is worse the fact that the muggers are all under 16. Police charged four boys under 16 with murder.People have been beaten by muggers trying to steal things as worthless as a mobile phone and have been killed by car thieves. A father of two was killed while trying to stop thieves stealing a relatives car, and a girl was shot by someone trying to mug her mobile phone. If she hadnt ducked she also would have been killed. Brixtons residents are afraid to go out at night. They fear of being attacked by drug users in the area. It is not safe for women to go out at night, as there is a possibility of them getting raped. There have been rape cases in England and throughout the world in which women have been left traumatised.The world is unbalanced. There are billionaires and people that live in simple shelters or in the streets who dont always get to eat. Hundreds of people die everyday in the streets of Britain and all other countries around the world. In third world countries men work for a small amount of money, just enough to supply their families basic needs. Countries fight each other when they know theres nothing to gain from it but suffering and death. Nuclear tensions have been rising. Recently there were the attacks to the World Trade Centre in New York by Muslim fundamentalists where around 3000 people lost their lives.If Earth is to become Gods Kingdom then why is it such a ruthless, unequal and dangerous place?Jesus teaches his disciples and us in Marks Gospel that if one of you wants to be great he must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first he must be the slave of all. This tells us to love and respect each other. If people followed Jesus teaching to love, help and respect each individual there would not be killings, thefts, poverty or rapes. We would all live in happiness as humans.The Kingdom of God is proleptic. Proleptic means leap forward. The Kingdom of God has begun and it isnt yet fully realised. We are now living in the overlap period. We are living in this world but truly our hearts belong in another. This world was not designed perfectly. It is like a test to prepare us for the next one.Other people would disagree with me. They would point at all the good things happening in this world. They would indicate at the life cycle and how beautiful it is. They would denote at how flowers bloom in the Spring, how fruits are made in Autumn. The hot Summer that makes us head to the beaches, and the cold of Winter that keeps us in our homes. Theyd tell that nature and how life is adapted to the environment is beautiful. Theyd say that each season has its own beauty.But Nature itself can be cruel. We have seen cases of flooding where people have lost their houses, and sadly some even their lives.Some people would point at how people have helped others. Theyd point at those who have devoted their lives to the charities and how theses charities are supported by ordinary people. They point out at how people help each other in need and the money donations to help people in poor countries. Theyd say the Sun, the wind, the rain and the sea are all beautiful things but have become so ordinary that we dont notice them any more.These people would say that miracles happen. Theyd indicate at how cures have been found for deadly diseases. For example much smaller percentage of women die of breast cancer. They indicate how babies born prematurely have survived. Some months ago we had the case of the two girl twins that we joined together and were sharing the same organs. Doctors separated them, one died but the other survived. By pointing to the goo d things they would say that the earth could besome Gods Kingdom.I agree with them. The world is beautiful and it is wonderful to live in. But I feel that there is just too much suffering in this world. From my point of wiew God would make a fresh start with the human race, in a world where there would only be goodness and joy, not suffering or tears. Therefore my conclusion is that I must agree that this Earth will never be Gods Kingdom.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Battle of Tippecanoe in Tecumsehs War
The Battle of Tippecanoe in Tecumseh's War The Battle of Tippecanoe was fought November 7, 1811, during Tecumsehs War. In the early 19th century, Native American tribes sought to oppose American expansion into the Old Northwest Territory. Led by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, the Native Americans began to assemble a force to oppose the settlers. In an effort to prevent this, the Governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, marched out with a force of around 1,000 men to disperse Tecumsehs men. As Tecumseh was away recruiting, command of the Native American forces fell to his brother Tenskwatawa. A spiritual leader known as The Prophet, he ordered his men to attack Harrisons army as it encamped along Burnett Creek. In the resulting Battle of Tippecanoe, Harrisons men were victorious and Tenskwatawas forces were shattered. The defeat resulted in a severe setback for Tecumsehs efforts to unite the tribes. Background In the wake of the 1809 Treaty of Fort Wayne which saw 3,000,000 acres of land transferred from the Native Americans to the United States, the Shawnee leader Tecumseh began a rise to prominence. Angry over the treatys terms, he revived the idea that Native American land was owned in common by all the tribes and could not be sold without each giving their consent. This idea had previously been used by Blue Jacket prior to his defeat by Major General Anthony Wayne at Fallen Timbers in 1794. Lacking the resources to directly confront the United States, Tecumseh began a campaign of intimidation among the tribes to ensure that the treaty was not put into effect and worked to recruit men to his cause. While Tecumseh was endeavoring to build support, his brother Tenskwatawa, known as The Prophet, had begun a religious movement which stressed a return to the old ways. Based at Prophetstown, near the confluence of the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers, he began garnering support from across the Old Northwest. In 1810, Tecumseh met with the Governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison, to demand that the treaty be declared illegitimate. Refusing these demands, Harrison stated that each tribe had the right to treat separately with the United States. Shawnee leader Tecumseh. Public Domain Tecumseh Prepares Making good on this threat, Tecumseh began secretly accepting aid from the British in Canada and promised an alliance if hostilities broke out between Britain and the United States. In August 1811, Tecumseh again met with Harrison at Vincennes. Though promising that he and his brother sought only peace, Tecumseh departed unhappy and Tenskwatawa began gathering forces at Prophetstown. Traveling south, he began seeking assistance from the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole) of the Southeast and encouraged them to join his confederacy against the United States. While most rejected his requests, his agitation ultimately led to a faction of the Creeks, known as the Red Sticks, commencing hostilities in 1813. Harrison Advances In the wake of his meeting with Tecumseh, Harrison traveled to Kentucky on business leaving his secretary, John Gibson, at Vincennes as acting-governor. Utilizing his connections among the Native Americans, Gibson soon learned that forces were gathering at Prophetstown. Calling out the militia, Gibson sent letters to Harrison urging his immediate return. By mid-September, Harrison had returned along with elements of the 4th US Infantry and support from the Madison Administration for conducting a show of force in the region. Forming his army at Maria Creek near Vincennes, Harrisons total force numbered around 1,000 men. Moving north, Harrison encamped at present-day Terre Haute on October 3 to await supplies. While there, his men constructed Fort Harrison but were prevented from foraging by Native American raids which began on 10. Finally re-supplied via the Wabash River on October 28, Harrison resumed his advance the next day. Tenskwatawa, The Prophet. Public Domain Nearing Prophetstown on November 6, Harrisons army encountered a messenger from Tenskwatawa who requested a ceasefire and a meeting the next day. Wary of Tenskwatawas intentions, Harrison accepted, but moved his men onto a hill near an old Catholic mission. A strong position, the hill was bordered by Burnett Creek on the west and a steep bluff to the east. Though he ordered his men to camp in a rectangular battle formation, Harrison did not instruct them to build fortifications and instead trusted to the strength of the terrain. While the militia formed the main lines, Harrison retained the regulars as well as Major Joseph Hamilton Daveiss and Captain Benjamin Parkes dragoons as his reserve. At Prophetstown, Tenskwatawas followers began fortifying the village while their leader determined a course of action. While the Winnebago agitated for an attack, Tenskwatawa consulted the spirits and decided launch a raid designed to kill Harrison. Armies Commanders: Americans General William Henry Harrisonapprox. 1,000 men Native Americans Tenskwatawa500-700 men Casualties Americans - 188 (62 killed, 126 wounded)Native Americans - 106-130 (36-50 killed, 70-80 wounded) Tenskwatawa Attacks Casting spells to protect his warriors, Tenskwatawa sent his men to the American camp with the goal of reaching Harrisons tent. The attempt on Harrisons life was guided by an African-American wagon-driver named Ben who had defected to the Shawnees. Approaching the American lines, he was captured by American sentries. Despite this failure, Tenskwatawas warriors did not withdraw and around 4:30 AM on November 7, they launched an attack on Harrisons men. Benefiting from orders given by the officer of the day, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Bartholomew, that they sleep with their weapons loaded, the Americans quickly responded to the approaching threat. After a minor diversion against the north end of the camp, the main assault struck the south end which was held by an Indiana militia unit known as the Yellow Jackets. Standing Strong Shortly after the fighting began, their commander, Captain Spier Spencer, was struck in the head and killed followed by two of his lieutenants. Leaderless and with their small caliber rifles having difficulty in stopping the onrushing Native Americans, the Yellow Jackets began falling back. Alerted to the danger, Harrison dispatched two companies of regulars, who, with Bartholomew in the lead, charged into the approaching enemy. Pushing them back, the regulars, along with the Yellow Jackets, sealed the breach (Map). A second assault came a short time later and struck both the northern and southern parts of the camp. The reinforced line in the south held, while a charge from Daveiss dragoons broke the back of the northern attack. In the course of this action, Daveiss fell mortally wounded . For over an hour Harrisons men held off the Native Americans. Running low on ammunition and with the rising sun revealing their inferior numbers, the warriors began retreating back to Prophetstown. A final charge from the dragoons drove off the last of the attackers. Fearing that Tecumseh would return with reinforcements, Harrison spent the remainder of the day fortifying the camp. At Prophetstown, Tenskwatawa was accosted by his warriors who stated that his magic had not protected them. Imploring them to make a second attack, all of Tenskwatawas pleas were refused. On November 8, a detachment of Harrisons army arrived at Prophetstown and found it abandoned except for a sick old woman. While the woman was spared, Harrison directed that the town be burned and any cooking implements be destroyed. Additionally, everything of value, including 5,000 bushels of corn and beans, was confiscated. Aftermath A victory for Harrison, Tippecanoe saw his army suffer 62 killed and 126 wounded. While casualties for Tenskwatawas smaller attacking force are not known with precision, it is estimated that they suffered 36-50 killed and 70-80 wounded. The defeat was a serious blow to Tecumsehs efforts to build a confederacy against the United States and the loss damaged Tenskwatawas reputation. Tecumseh remained an active threat until 1813 when he fell fighting against Harrisons army at the Battle of the Thames. On the larger stage, the Battle of Tippecanoe further fueled the tensions between Britain and the United States as many Americans blamed the British for inciting the tribes to violence. These tensions came to a head in June 1812 with the outbreak of the War of 1812.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Make Marketing Employee Performance Reviews Easy (Templates)
How to Make Marketing Employee Performance Reviews Easy (Templates) No one enjoys doing employee performance reviews. Theyââ¬â¢re often slightly uncomfortable conversations, and even in a best-case scenario, everyone involved feels relieved when theyââ¬â¢re done. That isnââ¬â¢t exactly a ringing endorsement for their value, necessity, or how we feel about them. However, they are valuable, they are necessary, and when conducted with a thoughtful process, they can be something you approach with less anxiety. When you can repeat that process effectively with consistent results, you can spend less time planning for reviews, and more time working through them efficiently with the resultsà you want. In this post, youââ¬â¢ll learn: Why are performance reviews important for marketing managers and teams? What steps should they include and which questions should be asked? How can marketing teams develop a repeatable review process that works? Best of all, this is the actual process the teamà uses, which has been time-tested and shown to work well. In other words, this post is geared specifically toward what marketing managers need to know most about this topic. Be a Better Manager With Free Performance Review + Evaluation Form Templates.Be a Better Manager With Free Performance Review + Evaluation Form Templates Employee reviews donââ¬â¢t need to be overly complex. However, you will need to keep documentation of your conversation so you have something to reference in the future, to ensure the important details of the review arenââ¬â¢t forgotten later. Youll also need to accurately evaluate performance before going into each meeting. To get started, download these two templates: Marketing Performance Evaluation Form (Word): Answer six simple questions to gauge performance. Marketing Employee Performance Review Template (Word): Then, use this sheet to document the meeting. Both are short and simple to streamline the process effectively. Grab them quick before moving on:How Can Help Evaluate Team Productivity? As a marketing project management platform, is purpose-built for managing busy marketing teams. That includes your tasks and workflows for all projects and making sure everyone is getting their stuff done on time. One way measures that last item is with Team Performance Reports. It measures whoââ¬â¢s rocking it and whoââ¬â¢s falling behind so you can actually know whoââ¬â¢s hitting their deadlines. Here's a quick look at how it works: What Exactly is an Employee Performance Review? Hereââ¬â¢s a short definition this post will work with: An employee performance review is an opportunity for team members and managers to assess whatââ¬â¢s going well, what isnââ¬â¢t going well, and whatââ¬â¢s necessary for future success with a company or organization. There are a few things to note about this definition: It shouldnââ¬â¢t feel like an interrogation. A good review shouldnââ¬â¢t focus solely on negatives. They arenââ¬â¢t one-and-done meetings. Feedback gathered in a review should be considered and implemented throughout the year. This should be a two-way conversation. They arenââ¬â¢t just about assessing the team memberââ¬â¢s performance; theyââ¬â¢re also an opportunity to get the employeeââ¬â¢s take on how theyââ¬â¢re doing and how the company is doing, too. Recommended Reading: The Best Way to Plan a Successful Marketing Performance Management Process What Are the Benefits to Running Employee Reviews for Marketers? First things first, itââ¬â¢s important to understand that these meetings are more than just an annual requirement that you have to fulfill to keep HR happy. Here are a few reasons why they shouldnââ¬â¢t be blown off or phoned in without careful consideration for their purpose. Your team members need an honest assessment of their performance. If they donââ¬â¢t know how theyââ¬â¢re doing (positively or negatively) or where they need to improve, theyââ¬â¢re unlikely to reach their potential. You need to know what your team members need to succeed. Likewise, you canââ¬â¢t help your team achieve success unless you understand what they need from you. If you donââ¬â¢t set up employees for success, someone else will (when they leave your company). The market for marketing talent is tight. Donââ¬â¢t let people leave because they didnââ¬â¢t feel supported. Help Your Team, Help Your Company (Before They Leave) As a case in point, according to Smart Insights, 54.9% of marketers switch companies in order to find a new challenge. Why not provide that challenge for them instead of leaving them to find it somewhere else? And if that statistic doesnââ¬â¢t have you convinced, these might: Who Should Be in an Employee Review Meeting? In most cases, a marketing manager, their supervisor(s), and the employee themselves should be sufficient. If possible, including the CEO too is a good idea (at , CEO Garrett Moon offers direct feedback to each employee in the company during reviews). Then, once the review is completed, human resources will likely need to approve review paperwork (and any pay raises the team member might be due). Work with your HR department if youââ¬â¢re unsure what your internal processes are there. How Often Should Reviews Be Conducted? Hereââ¬â¢s a common misconception: staff reviews are a once-a-year deal where you get all your feedback out at once. This could not be more incorrect, but unfortunately, itââ¬â¢s a common attitude (particularly at large companies where one-on-one communication might be challenging to schedule, or just doesnââ¬â¢t happen organically). So, how often should feedback be scheduled? Consider the following: Weekly syncs: Set up a recurring one-on-one meeting with each team member to check in on how things are going. Quarterly check-ins: Then, schedule quarterly meetings to review how things have gone year-to-date and whatââ¬â¢s needed for success over the long term. Annual reviews: Finally, these are holistic performance evaluations that take the entire previous year into consideration. For marketers, ongoing mentorship with leadership is invaluable for development. Also, this post will stress this point multiple times: an annual review should not be the first time an employee hears a given piece of feedback. This is a sign they donââ¬â¢t feel like they can be open and honest with how things are going outside of times allotted for feedback, and thatââ¬â¢s corrosive for everyoneââ¬â¢s productivity and happiness at work. Recommended Reading: 6 Things You Need To Know About Marketing Management (+ 4 Free Templates) Scheduling Your Review Meetings The best way to make sure your review meetings actually happen is to schedule them on a regular basis. Schedule the following using your companyââ¬â¢s shared Google or Outlook calendar: Weekly meetings: Stick to a set time each week. Quarterly reviews: Stick as closely to a 90-day window as you can. Annual reviews: Same as with quarterly reviews, they should be close to their start date each year. Map these all out in advance so they donââ¬â¢t catch anyone off guard. If youââ¬â¢re a customer and use Google Calendar, you can even sync your calendar with with Zapier, so theyââ¬â¢ll appear alongside all your other projects. Evaluating Employees Prior to Your Meetings Before heading into a review, youââ¬â¢ll need to know for yourself what you honestly think about each employeeââ¬â¢s performance, both in terms of what theyââ¬â¢re doing well and where they can improve. It can help to have some sort of checklist to run through when assessing each team member, especially if you have a large team. In order to keep your meetings focused and conversational, do this before meeting face to face. Hereââ¬â¢s an outline of a checklist you can use: Does the team member demonstrate high level of job knowledge? Does the team member complete work accurately and on time? Does the team member work well with others? Does the team member communicate effectively? Does the team member demonstrate initiative? Does the team member consistent show up to work on time? These are basic performance-oriented questions youââ¬â¢ll need to assess, and running through them as an exercise might help you identify strengths and areas in need of improvement. If youââ¬â¢d prefer this in a Word doc, thereââ¬â¢s one included in this postââ¬â¢s template bundle. You can jump back up to the top of the post here to download it quick. Here's what it looks like: Planning Your Review Questions Once youââ¬â¢re face-to-face for a review, what should you ask? It might be tempting to prepare a detailed list of questions to dig deep into the needs of your team members. That might work. After all, it stands to reason that more granular questions will get more detailed answers, right? Well, you might be able to have a more productive and insightful conversation by keeping your questions simple. There are only three you really need to ask: Whatââ¬â¢s going well? This can be an open-ended discussion around whatââ¬â¢s going right for the employee, their work, and the company. What isnââ¬â¢t going well? Same as above, but for things that need improvement. Whatââ¬â¢s needed for a successful future? What should the employee keep doing? What should they change? And likewise, is there anything you or the company may need to consider as well? Generally, itââ¬â¢s best to keep this an open-ended conversation. But, as that conversation moves forward, how do you make sure it stays on track and the words you choose to maintain a productive tone?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Risk management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Risk management - Coursework Example It is for this reason that many organisations, especially corporate, have embraced the concept of risk management and are consequently developing capabilities to address it. A capable risk management structure is able to provide and maintain an organisationââ¬â¢s internal control and improve corporate governance. The commonwealth of Australia agrees that governance can be improved by managing risks effectively (Australian agency for international development [AusAID], 2005). Development of risk management capability also results in formulation of comprehensive enterprise risk management systems, which has been realised over time, contributes to the achievement of organisational goals (Casualty Actuarial Society [CAS], 2003). However, many organisations face various challenges in developing risk management capability, some of which will be discussed here. Since risks are inherent in all corporations in todayââ¬â¢s dynamic world, the management has the mandate to overcome these c hallenges and ensure capable risk management structures are put in place to address organisational risks. Reasons for developing risk management capability Risk management capability is a means of providing internal control. Internal control and risk management are largely symbiotic concepts. ... In the context of ensuring an organisation meets its objectives, effective internal control utilizes risk management to cushions the organisation against external risks as well as protects it against risks generated from within the organisation that, if uncontrolled, would lead to the downfall of the organisation. According to the AusAID (2005), the benefits of risk management are manifold and traverse strategic, operational and technical levels of management. The AusAID (2005) notes that risk management systems inform and communicate the risks that a firm faces to the strategic management thereby enabling it to make effective plans to deal with potential risks and in so doing, avoid the huge expenses associated with tackling risk consequences and ultimately ensure better organisational performance. Similarly, technical operations utilize risk management knowledge to put in place measures to mitigate against risks and therefore activities run smoother and more effectively produce des ired outcomes. The AusAID (2005) further states that the internal control afforded by risk management capability helps the organisation minimize unwanted surprises (risks) by ensuring effective and efficient operations, proper financial accountability and reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations. This review therefore shows that risk management is crucial in the attainment of internal controlââ¬â¢s goals. The continued existence of an organisation demands that it balances its external and internal environments. Gupta (2009) explains that the external environment comprises of entities that can affect the operations of an organisation yet are not
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Company logistic analysis and drawbacks and recomendation Research Proposal
Company logistic analysis and drawbacks and recomendation - Research Proposal Example The company is listed on the New York stock exchange and in the doe Jones. The company enjoys good revenue. In the finical year of 2011, the company made a profit of 3.9 billion and their gross sales were up to 70.4 billion. The companyââ¬â¢s stocks enjoy good ratings and trading in the stock exchange. The dividends paid for the stocks are good and shareholders enjoy many benefits that come with the strength of the stocks (Burritt). In the year 2010, home depot bought a portable device technology. This technology is aimed at easing the process of stocking shelves. It also allows them to keep an eye on customers no matter which part of the store they are in. this has helped a lot in improving customer service. The company is an all rounded company. This is because when customers have money, it allows them to do home improvements more often. This stocking technology has allowed home depot to make huge profits. This technology helps them in knowing which products have been lifted fro m the shelves and need replacement. Because of the positive feedback that they are receiving because of this technology, it is safe to assume that they will invest more in these types of technology. The company is also searching for new technology that will help them stock their shelves better. Factors Leading to its Success Home Depot is aiming at serving customers better. They want to improve customerââ¬â¢s satisfaction so that they can get more revenue in sales. Some of the measures that home depot has undertaken so as to improve their services are, Customer service ââ¬â continued focus on customer service is driven by philosophies of making an emotive link with the customer. These philosophies are putting the customer first and making the business simple. Home depot has opened new call centers in Utah and Georgia simply to have a more personalized connection with the customers. All these centers have been opened in the last financial year. This has played a major role in increasing the earnings and profit margins for the company. In additions, new wits such as the new arrangement system for secondary and centralized return to seller process has more than 57% of all labor hours dedicated to customer services and by the end of the financial year of 2013 the labor hours will have reached 60%. In addition, other measures will be put in place to ensure complete customer satisfaction. This will lead to increased sales bringing the stock price to a higher price. This will put the stocks in a better position than the previous year. Product authority ââ¬â focus on product expertise is enabled by selling transformation and a collection of strategies, which are aimed at delivering product novelty, variety and worth. In extension of this approach, new merchandise and importance for both our expertise and D-I-Y client in a variety of divisions are the focus of the approach. In addition, expansion of showrooms to accommodate more products especially the Elect rolux, whirlpool and Frigidaire will help in helping these brands to move and reach more consumers. This is because of the exposure that these brands will have on the open market. Controlled capital distribution, efficiency and competence ââ¬â the tactic to driving productivity and effectiveness is advanced through nonstop operational upgrading, incremental supply chain welfares, disciplined money distributions and expenditure control. Also building shareholder worth through complex
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Vulnerable Population Essay Example for Free
Vulnerable Population Essay The vulnerable populations are people who are or may be in need of community care services because of their age, disability or illness and who are or may be unable to take good care of themselves or are unable to protect themselves from the significant exploitation or harm. Those who can be classified as vulnerable includes people undergoing the chemotherapy or living with HIV/AIDS, the children and infants, the frail elderly, the transplant patients, pregnant women and their fetuses. The vulnerable population people undergo several types of abuses which includes the physical abuse through hitting, pushing, shaking over medication or otherwise causing the physical harm, sexual abuse, which is unwanted touching, kissing or sexual activity or a situation where the vulnerable person cannot or does not give their consent, psychological abuse, which includes verbal abuse, humiliation, bullying or using threats, financial abuse which includes the illegal or the improper use of the persons money, property taking advantage of his/her present nature, neglect which is the repeated deprivation of the help or the care that a vulnerable person needs, and if withdrawn will cause him/her to suffer, institutional abuse which is the abuse , neglect and withdrawal of the rights or continually poor care in a care home setting and discriminatory abuse which includes the racist or sexist abuse and abuse based on the personââ¬â¢s disability and the other forms of harassment, slurs o r similar treatment. There are many barriers that are resulting to the decreasing disparity in a vulnerable population. The general population tends to assume the vulnerable population to a point of not being interested to know about their needs and what they are undergoing through. There is widespread ignorance among the people that they forget that the vulnerable population needs care and attention like any other normal person could. There is always little funding from the budget allocations by the government to cater for needs of the vulnerable population. The little funds which are set aside for them and on many occasions it has been misappropriated thus not benefiting the vulnerable. There has hasnââ¬â¢t been good policies that are to set the proper guidelines that are meant to put in place to protect the health needs of the vulnerable population. Most governments have not been keen to implement the good policies that are to benefit the vulnerable groups. The health facilities and services that are supposed to cater for the needs of the vulnerable population are poorly managed and at times the services which are supposed to be provided are not there or they are offered poorly may be because of the poor equipments or low moral of the workers. At work place there a presence of barriers in understanding the vulnerability. There are fellow workmates who are disabled and need care and attention of other workmates at some time. Some workmates do not care about them. Infact some complain that they are a burden because they interrupt their work and often abuse and a talk negatively about them when they are not in the office. People have not been sensitized fully to understand what vulnerability means and what it takes to be among the group and what the other people who are not like them are supposed to do to safeguard their well being. These people w should be well taken care of because they are part and parcel of the other active population. People at the workplace do not see vulnerability as a real problem because it does not affect them and may be none in their family are not part of the group. These are people who are unable to defend themselves or take care of themselves and so other people see them as a burden and therefore could try whatever means to avoid them.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing the Three Statues of David Essay -- Donatello Michelangelo
Comparing the Three Statues of David The pieces of art I will be comparing and contrasting are the three statues of David, by Donatello (Donato di Niccolà ² di Betto Bardi), Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni), and Bernini (Gian Lorenzo Bernini). The statues are modeled after the biblical David, who was destined to become the second king of Israel. Also most famously known as the slayer of the Philistine giant Goliath with a stone and a sling. The sculptures are all based on the same biblical hero, but differ from one another. Each David is unique in its own certain way. A good deal is known about Donatello's life and career, but little is known about his character. Donatello was born in Florence, Italy in 1386 and died in 1466; he was never married and had no children. He was a master of sculpture in bronze and marble and is considered to be one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists of his time. The first sculpture is of Donatello?s David, 1425-1430. Its material is bronze and stands 5? 2 à ¼? and is currently located at Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. The sculpture is a nude and is contrapposto. The scene being depicted is after the clash with Goliath. Donatello?s statue of David was the first large scale, free-standing nude statue of the Renaissance. The sculpture helps to strike a balance between classicism and the realism by presenting a very real image of a boy in the form of a classical nude figure. Although Donatello was inspir...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay
Hello fellow classmates, today Iââ¬â¢m going to inform you on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Alcohol abuse is due to many factors, including how you were raised, your social environment and your emotional health. American Indians and Native Alaskans are more likely to develop alcohol abuse, also people who have a family history of alcoholism or heavy drinkers are more likely to develop some sort of drinking problem. People who suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder are at risk because alcohol may have been used to self-medicate Alcohol abuse effects society in many ways including more people getting divorced, domestic violence problems, unemployment and even living in poverty, also if you have children they are effected the most as they are sensitive and are most likely to suffer from long-lasting emotional trauma because a parent or caretaker is an alcohol abuser Many people experiment with drugs for different reasons. Many people try drugs for the first time because they are curious; think theyââ¬â¢re going to have a good time, because everyone around them is doing it including friends, others do it to enhance athletic performance or to ease other problems such as stress, anxiety or depression. Some may think using drugs automatically leads to abuse but it depends on the individual. Drug Abuse isnââ¬â¢t about how much you take or how frequently you take it, itââ¬â¢s about the consequences from taking the drug, if itââ¬â¢s causing problems at home, school, work or even relationships, itââ¬â¢s possible you have a drug abuse problem. Drug abuse affects society in many different ways such as, neglecting your responsibilities at school, work or home, causing problems in your relationships such as fights with your partner, family member or friends We need to change the way Alcohol and Drug abuse affects not only society but the abusers, because it is unfaithful to Godââ¬â¢s teachings as he never wanted us to abuse anything in anyway shape or form. Godââ¬â¢s love for everyone is so strong and powerful that he doesnââ¬â¢t want you to get hurt because you feel the need to abuse Alcohol and especially Drugs The solution to these problems is depending on there condition. Most abusers can control there use therefore and easy solution for them is moderation, for example setting limits and using there will power, but if that doesnââ¬â¢t work they need to obtain counselling, which will help them with different strategies in coping with all there emotions, but if someone is a social drinker because they have a low self-esteem, they can get psychological help to feel better about themselves so they donââ¬â¢t have to drink So we need to spread the word of god to start decreasing the number of people who abuse drugs and alcohol
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Loan Management System Essay
The Traditional way of maintaining details of a user in a bank was to enter the details and record them. Every time the user need to perform some transactions he has to go to bank and perform the necessary actions, which may not be so feasible all the time. It may be a hard-hitting task for the users and the bankers too. The project gives real life understanding of Online Banking System and activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide an automation for banking system through Internet. Online Banking System project captures activities performed by different roles in real life banking which provides enhanced techniques for maintaining the required information upto-date, which results in efficiency. The project gives real life understanding of Online Banking System and activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. Scope of the Project This Project investigates the entry threshold for providing a new transaction service channel via the real options approach, where the entry threshold is established by using an Internet banking system designed for the use of normal users(individuals), Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, Educational Institutions(Financial sections), Organizations and Academicians under transaction rate uncertainty. Customer must have a valid User Id and password to login to the system If a wrong password is given thrice in succession, that account will be locked and the customer will not be able to use it. When an invalid password is entered a warning is given to the user that his account is going to get locked. After the valid user logs in he is shown the list of accounts he has with the bank. On selecting the desired account he is taken to a page which shows the present balance in that particular account number. User can request for the details of the last ââ¬Ënââ¬â¢ number of transactions that he has performed. A report can also be taken of this. User can make a funds transfer to another account in the same bank. User is provided with a transaction password which is different from the login password. User can transfer funds from his account to any other account with this bank. If the transaction is successful a notification should appear to the customer, in case it is unsuccessful, a proper message should be given to the customer as to why it failed. User can request for cheque book/change of address/stop payment of chequeââ¬â¢s User can view his monthly as well as annual statements. He can also take print out of the same. Generate reports at every section Administrator can take a back up of the database for every instance that is happening, periodically. All users are authenticated to avail the services FAQ section is also included for end users benefit.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Statue of Libertys Origins in Egypt
The Statue of Liberty's Origins in Egypt No, Miss Liberty of Statue-of-Liberty fame wasnt always imagined as the scowling, linebacker-throated Midwestern matron of steely spiky Germanic stock that she is today. She was supposed to look like an Arab peasant, robed in the folds of Muslim precepts. She wasnt even supposed to be eternally standing at the entrance of New York Harbor, warning new arrivals to the New World about New Jersey to her right. Thats all schoolbook revisionism designed not to traumatize young American pupils with the reality behind Liberty: that she was supposed to be the welcome maam at the entrance of the Suez Canal in Egypt, that her name was supposed to be either Egypt or Progress, and that the flame she was brandishing was to symbolize the light she was bringing to Asia, which had claims to newness all its own. Lighting the Way to Asia All this from the imaginative scruffles of Frà ©dà ©ric Auguste Bartholdi, the Alsatian-French sculptor whod fallen in love with his own Orientalist fantasies about the Middle East after a trip to Egypts Luxor spreads in 1855. He liked Egypts colossal sculptures, those granite beings of imperturbable majesty with their eyes seemingly fixed on the limitless future. He liked just as much the then-fashionable notions of Europeans thinking themselves the Orients the best thing since unsliced baklava. Bartholdi returned to Egypt in 1869 with the blueprints for a toga-draped giant of a woman whod double-up as a lighthouse at the entrance of the Suez Canal, which opened that year to fanfare and (British and French) stockholders delight. The Suez Canal may have been in Egypt. But Egypt wasnt reaping its monetary benefits. The American Civil War had done wonders for Egyptian wealth thanks to the blockade of Southern cotton, which turned Egyptian cotton into gold. But the price of cotton crashed after the Civil War and so did Egypts economy. Suez revenue could have picked up the slack. Instead, it went into the pockets of European investors (until Egypts Gama Abdel Nasser nationalized the waterway in 1956, to the disingenuous fury of France and Britain). From Lady Egypt to Lady Liberty As Bartholdi was sketching one likeness of his great statue after another, it became apparent that his plan would never get Egypts financing. Bartholdi was crushed. He sailed to New York. And there, as his ship was entering New York Harbor, he saw Bedloes Island, deserted, oval-shaped, perfectly positioned to bear his creation. She wouldnt be Egypt. But shed still be Bartholds. He worked out an arrangement with Gustav Eiffel to build the statue in 350 pieces in Paris, for the French government to pay for the statue (that was back when French and Americans had more respect than reproach for each other), and with American donors to pay for the 89-foot pedestal. Bartholdis goal was to have the dedication coincide with the centennial of the American Revolution, somewhere around July 4, 1876. It happened a bit later, on Oct. 28, 1886, with a military, naval and civic parade in Manhattan, ending at the Battery at the tip of the island, with Gen. Charles P. Stone, who as the statues American engineer, was essentially its midwife, was the parades grand marshal. She was no longer an Egyptian woman. She was Liberty Enlightening the World. New York Inaugurates Liberty The weather did not cooperate. The rain was so bad that a New York Times editorial called it almost a national misfortune that robbed the pageant of much of its effect. Not that U.S. President Grover Cleveland was going to miss a chance to make himself slightly immortal by association with Lady Liberty as he accepted this grand and imposing work of art, though in words of granite neither grand nor imposing: This token of the affection and consideration of the people of France assures us that in our efforts to command to mankind a government resting upon popular will, we still have beyond the American continent a steadfast ally, while it also demonstrates the kinship of the republic. At that point, the historical record notes that there were loud cheers, not least those wondering who wrote that stuff. But Cleveland got a bit more colorful in his next salvo: We are not here today to bow before the representative of a fierce and warlike god, filled with wrath and vengeance, but instead, we contemplate our own peaceful deity keeping watch before the open gates of America. Well, the battleship Tennessees warlike batteries, which had just boomed, notwithstanding. Instead of grasping in her hands the thunderbolts of terror and of death, she holds aloft the light that illumines the way to mans enfranchisement. More cheers. Libertys light, he concluded, shall pierce the darkness of ignorance and mens oppression until liberty shall enlighten the world. Egypt Forgotten Of Egypts inspiration in all this, not a word. The majority of the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Middle East, Egyptians among them, would never know the statues genesis, only their own. And their own, to this day (even though theyve long ago stopped sailing into New York Harbor as immigrants), remains one mired in the authoritarian, unfree grasp of regimes from the Hindu Kush to West and North Africa that have yet to see the light Cleveland spoke of, and Bartholdi imagined. One last irony: Bedloes Island was not officially renamed until many years later when it became Liberty Island. The year? 1956. Gamal Abdel Nasser must have smiled.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Important Events in the History of Latin America
10 Important Events in the History of Latin America Latin America has been always shaped by events as much as by people and leaders. In the long and turbulent history of the region, there were wars, assassinations, conquests, rebellions, crackdowns, and massacres. Which was the most important? These ten were selected based on international importance and effect on the population. It is impossible to rank them on importance, so they are listed in chronological order. 1. Papal Bull Inter Caetera and the Treaty of Tordesillas (1493ââ¬â1494) Many people do not know that when Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, they already legally belonged to Portugal. According to previous papal bulls of the 15th century, Portugal held claim to any and all undiscovered lands west of a certain longitude. After Columbus return, both Spain and Portugal laid claims to the new lands, forcing the pope to sort things out. Pope Alexander VI issued the bull Inter Caetera in 1493, declaring that Spain owned all new lands west of a line 100 leagues (about 300 miles) from the Cape Verde Islands. Portugal, not pleased with the verdict, pressed the issue and the two nations ratified the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, which established the line at 370 leagues from the islands. This treaty essentially ceded Brazil to the Portuguese while keeping the rest of the New World for Spain, therefore laying the framework for the modern demographics of Latin America. 2. The Conquest of the Aztec and Inca Empires (1519ââ¬â1533) After the New World was discovered, Spain soon realized that it was an incredibly valuable resource that should be pacified and colonized. Only two things stood in their way: the mighty Empires of the Aztecs in Mexico and the Incas in Peru, who would have to be defeated in order to establish rule over the newly-discovered lands. Ruthless conquistadores under the command of Hernn Cortà ©s in Mexico and Francisco Pizarro in Peru accomplished just that, paving the way for centuries of Spanish rule and enslavement and marginalization of New World natives. 3.à Independence from Spain and Portugal (1806ââ¬â1898) Using the Napoleonic invasion of Spain as an excuse, most of Latin America declared independence from Spain in 1810. By 1825, Mexico, Centralà America, and South America were free, soon to be followed by Brazil. Spanish rule in the Americas ended in 1898 when they lost their final colonies to the United States following the Spanish-American War. With Spain and Portugal out of the picture, the young American republics were free to find their own way, a process that was always difficult and often bloody. 4.à The Mexican-American War (1846ââ¬â1848) Still smarting from the loss of Texas a decade before, Mexico went to war with the United States in 1846 after a series of skirmishes on the border. The Americans invaded Mexico on two fronts and captured Mexico City in May of 1848. As devastating as the war was for Mexico, the peace was worse. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ceded California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming to the United States in exchange for $15 million and forgiveness of about $3 million more in debts. 5. The War of the Triple Alliance (1864ââ¬â1870) The most devastating war ever fought in South America, the War of the Triple Alliance pitted Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil against Paraguay. When Uruguay was attacked by Brazil and Argentina in late 1864, Paraguay came to its aid and attacked Brazil. Ironically, Uruguay, then under a different president, switched sides and fought against its former ally. By the time the war was over, hundreds of thousands had died and Paraguay was in ruins. It would take decades for the nation to recover. 6. The War of the Pacific (1879ââ¬â1884) In 1879, Chile and Bolivia went to war after spending decades bickering over a border dispute. Peru, which had a military alliance with Bolivia, was drawn into the war as well. After a series of major battles at sea and on land, the Chileans were victorious. By 1881 the Chilean army had captured Lima and by 1884 Bolivia signed a truce. As a result of the war, Chile gained the disputed coastal province once and for all, leaving Bolivia landlocked, and also gained the province of Arica from Peru. The Peruvian and Bolivian nations were devastated, needing years to recover. 7.à The Construction of the Panama Canal (1881ââ¬â1893, 1904ââ¬â1914) The completion of theà Panama Canalà by Americans in 1914 marked the end of a remarkable and ambitious feat of engineering. The results have been felt ever since, as the canal has drastically changed worldwide shipping. Less known are the political consequences of the canal, including theà secessionà of Panama from Colombia (with the encouragement of the United States) and the profound effect the canal has had on the internal reality of Panama ever since. 8.à The Mexican Revolution (1911ââ¬â1920) A revolution of impoverished peasants against an entrenched wealthy class, the Mexican Revolution shook the world and forever altered the trajectory of Mexican politics. It was a bloody war, which included horrific battles,à massacres, and assassinations. Theà Mexican Revolutionà officially ended in 1920 when Alvaro Obregà ³n became the last general standing after years of conflict, although the fighting continued for another decade. As a result of the revolution, land reform finally took place in Mexico, and the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party), the political party that rose from the rebellion, stayed in power until the 1990s. 9.à The Cuban Revolutionà (1953ââ¬â1959) Whenà Fidel Castro, his brotherà Raà ºlà and a ragged band of followersà attacked the barracks at Moncadaà in 1953, they may not have known they were taking the first step to one of the most significant revolutions of all time. With the promise of economic equality for all, the rebellion grew until 1959, when Cuban Presidentà Fulgencio Batistaà fled the country and victorious rebels filled the streets of Havana. Castro established a communist regime, building close tiesà withà the Soviet Union, and stubbornly defied every attempt theà United Statesà could think of to remove him from power. Everà sinceà that time, Cuba has either been a festering sore of totalitarianism in an increasingly democraticà worldà or a beacon of hope for all anti-imperialists, depending on your point of view. 10. Operation Condor (1975ââ¬â1983) In the mid-1970s, the governments of the southern cone ofà South America- Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay,à Bolivia, and Uruguay- had several things in common. They were ruled by conservative regimes, either dictators or military juntas, and they had a growing problem with opposition forces and dissidents.à They, therefore,à established Operation Condor, a collaborative effort to round up and kill or otherwise silence their enemies. By the time it ended, thousands were dead or missing and the trust of South Americans in their leaders was forever shattered. Although new facts come out occasionally and some of the worst perpetrators have been brought to justice, there are still many questions about this sinister operation and those behind it. Sources and Further Reading Gilbert, Michael Joseph, Catherine LeGrand, and Ricardo Donato Salvatore. Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the Cultural History of U.S.-Latin American Relations. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1988.LaRosa, Michael and German R. Mejia. An Atlas and Survey of Latin American History, 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 2018.Moya, Jose C. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.Weber, David J., and Jane M. Rausch. Where Cultures Meet: Frontiers in Latin American History. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman Littlefield, 1994.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
MGMT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
MGMT - Assignment Example The person sitting next to me was a strikingly attractive young woman. She raised her hand to ask a question and we were stunned when the lecturer failed to address her by her name (as he had all of the males that were asking question). Instead, he said, ââ¬Å"Whatââ¬â¢s your question blondie?â⬠The room immediately became uncomfortable but the lecturer seemed to have no idea that what he had said was sexist. She asked her question, received her answer and sat fuming and embarrassed for the remainder of the morning. I regret that I did nothing. I felt horrible for her but felt powerless to do anything. I didnââ¬â¢t want to speak up because I was a new hire and besides, this gentleman was so well regarded in the community. At the very least I think I should have said something to the offended party afterwards, but I didnââ¬â¢t. I think that if I had it to do all over, I would have taken a moment to say something to the lecturer at the break for lunch. I think I should have let him know that I think he offended one of the new hires by the way he addressed her. I think at the very least, I should have let him know that he made me feel uncomfortable by referring to her as ââ¬Å"blondieâ⬠. I understand that this man was from a different generation and that such a comment might have been tolerated when he was much younger. But that isnââ¬â¢t an excuse. It does place the comment in context, but I can still remember that embarrassed and uncomfortable emotion I felt in the training session that
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